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Ability to edit player details as a league following submission from teams
Hi team,
An additional function that was especially useful for the league in the whole game system reg process was the ability to edit player details if they were not quite correct or missing some info on behalf of teams after they had submitted players. This can of course be tracked in the system but it saved a huge amount of time and added flexibility rather than playing tennis with every team and using our valuable volunteering time chasing teams to do a simple edit when they could just send the details that are correct for us to edit without fuss.
Please consider the above as it will help with flexibility and save the pain between teams, leagues and the fa support teas.
Kind regards,
At present, to abide by GDPR as well as tidy up our data, we need parents/players to be responsible for their own data by logging into and updating their details. Therefore at present this idea won't be taken forwards.