Sharing Your Booking Link

  • Sharing your booking link 

    Now you have created your sessions you will be able to share your session to encourage bookings.  

    It is important to review the status of the sessions you have created.  

    Restricted- Sessions will not be advertised online, you can review what action needs to be taken for your sessions to be advertised by clicking on the ‘Warning notification’ at the top of the page. It could either be, your County FA has not yet approved your sessions or your coach(es) selected do not meet the criteria for the roles you have listed them. Make sure you review what this message states to provide you with an indication what action is required.  

    Upcoming- Sessions will be advertised online  

    To access your session link click on ‘Direct link’, this will provide you with three options;  

    Open Link- This will open your booking link in a new tab and will show what participants will view to book onto your sessions you have created. This is a good opportunity to check everything you have created is accurate.    

    Copy Link- This will copy your booking link, meaning you can share with participants who are yet to book onto your sessions you have created.  

    View QR code- A QR code is automatically generated for your sessions you have created. You will the have the option to download or copy your QR code which can be used to promote your sessions.  

    A white background with text 
Description automatically generated


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