*NEW* Availability of Opportunity Catergory

As part of the development of the Dispensation process, the FA are piloting two new categories to support children to play football.

The category availability of opportunity is for those who have no available opportunity within their permitted age group and chosen pathway (male, female, mixed, disability). An “available opportunity” is defined as a football offer that is accessible to the individual in a reasonable travel time

Please note to apply under the individual needs category there is a series of evidence required to apply. You can find the template files within the What Supporting Evidence do I Require for Player Dispensation? article.

Eligible examples

No Teams Locally

Those who have no available opportunity within their permitted age group and chosen pathway (male, female, mixed, disability). An “available opportunity” is defined as a football offer that is accessible to the individual in a reasonable travel time. 

When determining a reasonable travel time consideration should be given to the modes of transport available to the applicant and how this may impact their opportunity to play. 

This may include players currently playing mixed football who wish to play specifically within their chosen pathway.

Local Teams at Capacity

This is where there may be opportunities locally but they are at capacity and therefore there is a need to play out of their prescribed age group in order to participate in their chosen pathway.

Non Eligible examples


Insufficient Research

Following support of the County FA a reasonable opportunity to play is found.

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